Friday, 4 April 2014

PHOTOS: Indian Man Addicted To Bricks

A 30-year-old, Indian builder, Pakkirappa Hunagundi is addicted to eating bricks, mud and gravel.

He became so addicted to eating non-edible objects after he first developed the acquired taste at the age of 10.

For 20 years he has consumed up to three kilos of debris a day, including mud and gravel, he finds lying around his village in Karnataka.

But despite his strange eating disorder - thought to be caused by a condition called Pica - Pakkirappa insists he hasn't suffered any ill-effects. And he wants to use his strange eating habits to make some money for his family by travelling across India showcasing his talents.

MirrorUK reports that the oddball eater causally chews on freshly baked bricks he finds scattered around his village. And he uses nothing more than a glass of water to help digest the building material which he says tastes "A1" - an Indian term meaning the best.

Fussy eater Pakkirappa said:

"I love eating them. It has become a part of my life. I started at the age of 10. Now it feels like a necessity to me. I can skip meals, but not bricks or mud. I have suffered no side effects. My teeth are absolutely fine. I can bite into the hardest stone without a problem."


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