Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman in Warner Bros. upcoming sequel to "Man of Steel." The film, from director Zack Snyder, will arrive in theaters on July 17, 2015.
“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics' most enduringly popular Super Heroes (sic), and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some," Greg Silverman, president of creative development and worldwide production for Warner Bros., said in a statement posted to the Warner Bros. Facebook page. "His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this character."
Affleck and Warner Bros. have enjoyed quite the relationship over the last few years. The 41-year-old actor starred in and directed both "The Town" and "Argo" for the studio; that latter film, of course, won Best Picture at the Oscars in February, this despite Affleck being snubbed in the Best Director category.
“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics' most enduringly popular Super Heroes (sic), and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some," Greg Silverman, president of creative development and worldwide production for Warner Bros., said in a statement posted to the Warner Bros. Facebook page. "His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this character."
Affleck and Warner Bros. have enjoyed quite the relationship over the last few years. The 41-year-old actor starred in and directed both "The Town" and "Argo" for the studio; that latter film, of course, won Best Picture at the Oscars in February, this despite Affleck being snubbed in the Best Director category.
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