Most couples who are trying to conceive know that their lifestyle choices—diet, health, age, and genetics—will all affect your ability to get pregnant. However, sweeping under the bed (an old wives' tale) will only banish dust bunnies; it won't actually discourage your chances of conception.
While we've left behind many of the superstitions surrounding fertility and getting pregnancy; there are still multiple myths that many couples buy into (both those trying to get pregnant and those not trying to conceive).
1. You Can't Conceive During Menstruation
It doesn't matter if you're Being Intimate during your period to practice "safe sex" or avoid this period because you're trying to conceive, no one gets a baby-making free pass at any time during a women's cycle. In reality, there are very few days when you can Be Intimate without worrying about getting pregnant since sperm can live inside a woman's body for approximately 5 days.
2. Inverted Sex Positions Will Boost Chances of Conception
If you're doing a handstand after sex in the hopes of gravity aiding your pregnancy efforts—all you'll probably end up with is a stiff neck. It makes sense that inverting after expulsion might help sperm reach the cervix faster, but this small distance really won't make or break your chances of conceiving.
3. You Can't Get Pregnant the First Time you Be Intimate
Although this might be a sly way for a frisky teenage boy to convince a girl to Be Intimate in the backseat of his parent's station wagon; it's a grand mistruth. If she has begun to ovulate there's always a chance that her egg and his sperm shall meet, whether it's the first intimate experience or the twentieth.
4. Being Intimate Like Rabbits Increases Pregnancy Chances
If you're a couple that likes to Be Intimate like bunnies every day, congratulations, but it won't help your chances of conception. In fact, the opposite is true—the more frequently a man ejaculates; the lower his sperm count and concentration will be. Your best bet for getting preggers is to make love during a woman's "fertile period" with the help of an ovulation calendar.
5. You Can't Get Pregnant if you're Intoxicated
It doesn't matter if you drink alcohol or take drugs—you can still get pregnant. And when you think about it; when drunk or high, you're probably less likely to remember to use a condom or take your birth control pill so you may be increasing your chances of conception when intoxicated.
6. Withdrawal to Prevent a Pregnancy
Many couples trust the withdrawal method (when a man withdrawals his joystick from a woman's womanliness prior to expulsion) will not cause pregnancy. However, studies show that 4 out of every 100 women will still get pregnant thanks to pre-Erupt (the fluid that escapes the tip of the joystick when stimulated), in which sperm can remain active from previous expulsion.
7. Douching or Showering Following Sex Will Prevent Pregnancy
Douching and showering are not effective as birth control and neither is Being Intimate in the bath or swimming pool. The truth is that water doesn't deter sperm from fertilizing an egg, and having intercourse in water can actually raise the risk of pregnancy if sperm is forced upwards into the womanliness and cervix.
8. Timing Can Affect the Sex of your Baby
It's funny that many couples think that they can influence the sex of their unborn child depending on things like diet, intimate position, or date.
For instance, sex on odd days will not ensure a male child and sex on even days will produce a girl baby.
9. Failing to Conceive after a Few Weeks
Doesn't Mean you're Infertile Conceiving can
take time and patience. Just because you've been trying to conceive for a few weeks without success doesn't mean you're infertile. Although there are no specific dietary instructions to follow, a healthy lifestyle—which includes physical activity, a healthy diet—is important to make conception a reality.
10. You Can Only Conceive if you heavenly feeling
Even though the female heavenly feeling can aid fertilization—it's not entirely essential for conception. The theory behind this myth is that the muscular contractions that accompany the female heavenly feeling are needed to pull sperm up into the womanliness and cervix, increasing the success of sperm meeting egg. However, you can get pregnant, with or without achieving heavenly feeling.
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