The third track on Kanye West's lastest album, Yeezus, is called I Am God.
And now, according to the anonymous founder of a new religion, called Yeezianity, the rapper, 36, is its followers' God.
A comprehensive website, called, naturally, touts the new faith as 'THE BEST CHURCH OF ALL TIME!!!!!'
The 'About' section of the site, explains the main tenet of the religion: 'We are an anonymous group who believes that the one who calls himself Yeezus is a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity.'
It goes on to state that all members are to remain anonymous until 'conditions are ripe,' at which time 'all of our members will reveal their identities and their divine forms and the Creative Age will finally begin!'
The anonymous founder, who says he was studied philosophy in college, explained to Noiseywhat led him to create his religion.
'I created this thing about a month ago-and all I did was tweet it, and I don't have a lot of Twitter followers, so that didn't go anywhere,' he told the site.
'I was putting up other Craigslist ads and I just thought, "Well, let's see where this goes." I got some responses. I mean, you found it, so that's pretty awesome.'
The 'Our Savior' page of the site has a drawing resembling Kanye, who jetted from Los Angeles to Paris on Thursday for Fashion Week.
The rapper hit the streets in Paris in an dark ensemble, consisting of black trousers, a gray hoodie, a black leather jacket emblazoned with YEEZUS on the left sleeve and black tennis shoes.
The 'savior' is described on the site in the following words: 'His real name is never to be spoken. He is known to us only as Yeezus. He has shown the world the creative potential of a human being and he serves as a model for behavior and ethic.'
The 'Dogma' described on the site is an elaborate explanation about 'tyranny,' 'oppression' and 'slavery,' which states that 'they will not let you have your God Given Right TO CREATE!'
The religion's 'Golden Rule' is 'Create For Others What You Would Have Created For Yourself.'
The site does not state how many members its religion has, but does say that the number is 'a magnitude of 10 larger than what you would estimate they are.'
In order to become a member of Yeezianity or a 'Ye'ciple' one must simply 'take an unidentifiable picture of yourself holding up a piece of paper or some other creative design stating "I Believe In Yeezus" and email it to i.believe@'
It is unclear how serious the site's creator is about the religion.
But when asked about the basis of it, they told Noisey: 'I created it, I reflected on it and thought that this was just a rehashing of Christianity, but just throwing Yeezus instead of Jesus.
'Jesus has all this baggage and all these connotations, and Yeezus is this new thing ... That's why if it takes off, in the future, people would forget Kanye and his antics, and instead focus on what the message is.
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