The footage, claimed to be recorded in India, has already left almost 30,000 viewers feeling tenser than a tightrope after it was posted on to LiveLeak.
This shocking video of a toddler apparently balancing on a window ledge far above the ground will leave you peering through a gap between your fingers.
Posted today on the LiveLeak website, over 29,804 viewers have watched what looks like a dark-haired kid in green shorts sauntering along a window ledge without any fencing protection.
Filmed on a grainy camera, apparently in India, he totters around for three minutes and even climbs back in and out several times.
Near to the end of the video he is quickly grabbed by someone from the house and pulled inside to safety.
Since it was put up on the site it has been re-posted around the internet on social media sites such as Twitter.
However, it remains unclear where the footage was allegedly taken or if it is even real.
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